Mountain Resorts Direct Booking Guarantee

Mountain Resorts guarantees that if you book directly with us – whether through our website or over the phone with one of our friendly, knowledgeable reservations professionals – you will receive:
- The absolute best service when it comes to booking the vacation rental that's right for you
- The absolute best price available on your perfect vacation rental
- The absolute best insights on vacationing in Steamboat from local professionals
Best Service
With 350 professionally managed vacation rentals in 25 locations surrounding the Steamboat Ski Area, nobody has the lodging selection that we do. And nobody knows our properties like we do. Whether you utilize the easy-to-use "Search" and "Compare" tools on our website or speak with one of our reservations professionals, you are certain to easily and quickly come up with the Steamboat vacation rental that best suits your wants and needs. Booking direct enables us to understand your unique preferences and address your most important concerns before you commit to your booking.
Best Price
The best price on your perfect vacation rental is available by booking directly through Mountain Resorts. Specials available directly through us – either through our website or by calling us – are rarely available through third-party booking agencies. Booking on websites such as Airbnb, VRBO, HomeAway and TripAdvisor can also add hundreds of dollars of additional fees to your total reservation cost.
Simply put, when it comes to booking your perfect Steamboat vacation rental, the best information and the best pricing are available directly through Mountain Resorts.
Local Experts
We have local knowledge of Steamboat Springs to share with you. Our local professionals will help you select the best vacation rental for your needs, and provide local insights about Steamboat's activities, events, dining options, and local service providers. By booking direct, you also have access to exclusive discounts on lift tickets, equipment rentals, and other local activities and services.
Learn more about Mountain Resorts